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Frequently Asked Questions

What is academic life coaching all about?

What is academic life coaching?

Coaching is about action. It is a collaborative relationship focused on making a tangible change in the student's way of life. We work together to identify barriers and pain points, try out new strategies and problem-solving approaches, and set up habits and systems to help you sustain that change over the long term.

How is coaching different from tutoring?

Tutoring is for help with a specific academic subject and learning the content; you need help with calculus so you want to work with someone who is an expert in that content area. Coaching helps with general learning and study strategies, but isn't specific to a particular subject. I can help you make a study plan for the calc midterm, but I am definitely not the person to help you with derivatives!

How is coaching different from therapy?

Therapy is about healing emotional wounds, and processing difficult emotions. Many students who benefit from coaching also work with a therapist. Some students need to work with a therapist before they are ready to act on what they learn in coaching.

Who do you provide academic life coaching services to?

I work with high school, undergraduate and graduate students. I also work with post-bac students, and students who are on a leave of absence or gap year. In those cases, we might work on personal goal setting, establishing healthy habits and routines, work/life balance, and academic exposure (i.e. I will assign you a research paper, self-study project, etc. so you can practice academic skills in a low-stakes setting). I often work with students with learning disabilities, chronic or mental health disabilities, and/or who are neurodiverse.

How do I meet with you?

What should I expect for the consultation session?

After you sign up, you will receive an automatic email with the link for a virtual Zoom meeting, and the link to a Google Form which collects your contact information and more details about your academic experience and areas that you would like support.

The 45-minute consultation is structured into 4 parts:

Getting to know you: Tell me about your strengths and accomplishments, as well as the areas you would like to improve or change. What are you hoping to gain from academic life coaching?

Getting to know me: I will tell you about my background and approach, including how I typically support students with the challenges you identified. I will ask if you have tried these types of interventions and strategies before, and you will let me know any concerns or objections you have so I can address them!

Mini-coaching session on a topic or challenge of your choosing! Come prepared with one in mind, or I can help you identify one based on our conversation so far.

Wrap Up & Next Steps: We will both ask any lingering questions. If I think we are a good match, I will make suggestions about the services and packages that would be most effective in helping you reach your goals. You can decide to sign up for coaching immediately, or take time to think about it. If I don't think we are a good match, I will explain why and suggest other services or resources that I think are a better fit to help you reach your goals.

Do you offer virtual/remote services?

Yes! I meet with students via Zoom or Google Meet, whichever you prefer. I host these meetings from my home office. I prefer to use video conferencing, but if you have limited internet connectivity we can meet via phone.

Do you offer in-person services?

Only on a limited, case-by-case basis. Students must be located or willing to travel within 25 miles of Providence, RI. Additional fees for in-person services apply, due to travel expenses and loss of billable hours due to commute time. Contact me for more information.

Do you offer group services?

I am not currently running any student groups. If you have a group service in mind, contact me and we can discuss!

How do I pay for your services?

How does purchasing a package work?

Packages can be paid in monthly installments; you will receive an invoice with payment due within 15 days. Packages paid in full up-front receive a 5% discount.

Do you offer hourly rates instead of packages?

Only on a limited, case-by-case basis. This option is typically best for students who have completed a coaching package, and want less frequent check-ins. Ask me about flexible payment plans for coaching packages if pricing is a barrier. I will make every effort to find an arrangement that meets both of our needs.

Why do you charge an extra fee for in-person meetings?

I need to charge an additional fee to cover my travel costs (gas, car maintenance, insurance) as well as loss of billable hours due to commute time.

What types of payment do you accept?

My services are private pay; unfortunately I cannot accept insurance. I accept payment via credit card, debit card, ACH transfer, or personal check. I am not able to accept Venmo, CashApp, Paypal, or Zelle at this time.

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